The other night I commented to James that I wished I could make one for myself. So on Friday he arranged to take me to a ceramic studio where we could make our own ceramic projects. When he emailed me about it Friday afternoon I was so excited. I hurried out to see if I could find any giant leaves to use as templates for my own leaf bowl. I thought it was a long shot with how late in the season it is but I found some! Yeah! Here are some pictures of us at the ceramic studio:
And here we are together with our finished projects. We made one big leaf plate, two small ones and one medium one. It was so much fun. I just think it was so amazing that James took me to do this. Ceramics isn't really his thing so that made it even more special because I knew he was doing it just for me. He's really great!
Then to top it off he gave me an early Christmas present too. He signed me up to take a glass blowing class on December 12th. That is the best present ever! I have wanted to try glass blowing for such a long time! I just can't wait!!! We went to Thanksgiving Point on Saturday and watched one of the classes for a while. It was so fun and I can't wait to try it.