We had a great Memorial Day Weekend. On Sunday we visited the graves and told stories about Grandpa Cherrington, Great Grandma Brinkerhoff, Great Grandpa Brinkerhoff, and Grandma Anderson. The kids really enjoyed the stories and it was good to remember those great people.
Monday we had a super fun day. We started off doing some work in our garden and around our house. Any vacation isn't complete until a few work projects are completed right?! Then we headed up the canyon for a bike/rollerblade ride. We drove up to Vivian Park and then got on the bike path. Cody was really excited to ride his big wheel.
Dallin and I rollerbladed while Shelby and James rode bikes with Darcy in the trailer.

Of course we had to stop several times along the way to throw rocks in the river.

Cody got tired of riding his
bigwheel after a while and caught a ride with Dad and Darcy

Here we are at Bridal Veil climbing up to the waterfall.

After our ride we came back home and got out Grandma's big blow up
waterslide. The kids played on it for hours.

We hooked it up to Grandma's warm water so it was nice and comfortable for them.
Then James got a water balloon launcher and we had fun launching water balloons all over the
de-sac. They really shoot far!

Kelli happened to be washing her car at the time and became the prime target of the launches. Luckily we didn't break any windows! We launched a few all the way into
Arthurs Court.

Even Darcy wanted a turn launching!

And of course no Memorial Day is complete without a family BBQ with

Lots of

And Volleyball

Lots of Volleyball!