Dallin is a really good player, so it's extra fun to watch him. I love this picture of him kicking a goal. He was about 30 feet away from the goal, running at top speed when he kicked this one in. It went right through the goalies hands to score a goal. It was awesome. Just look at that form!
I get a little carried away sometimes when I am taking pictures. But here is another one I liked.
And this one was pretty awesome too. You can see the other player trying to trip Dallin as he ran by with the ball, but Dallin just jumped over him and continued on with the ball.
Shelby is having fun playing soccer again this year. She is in the division with 1st and 2nd graders, so she is one of the younger ones. In fact, almost her whole team is young 1st graders. So most of the teams she has played so far have been older and more experienced.
But Shelby is one of the best players on her team. She is agressive and gets in and plays her best every game. They hardly ever sub her out so she playing hard for a long time.
She scored a goal at the last game. This picture is of her as she kicked it into the goal. She was being heavily defended the entire way, but she dribbled all the way from midfield and was able to score a goal. I was so proud of her.
She was really excited to get a goal too. Last year she was scoring several goals every game so this year has been a little harder since the competition is so much better. But she's a trouper.

Between the two kids, we have soccer games or practices every day of the week, except for Friday and Sunday. So this has been a busy month. But there are only 3 games left in the fall season so it will be over before we know it.