It was a very rainy Halloween, so we decided to have fun inside rather than going trick or treating. As we were painting our pumpkins, we discovered that we had some black light reactive glow in the dark paint. I have no idea when we bought it or why we had it, but we sure made good use of it last night. We all painted our faces and then had a rockin' halloween dance party.
Of course the fun wouldn't be complete without some time lapsed photography in the dark to show off our glowing faces. Here are a few of my favorite shots from the night.

Here is James with his scary face. It didn't look as scary in the light, but when it glowed it was a little freeky!

This one is Shelby...I mean Hanna Montana.

Here is our little Darcy Care Bear. I was so proud of her to stay so still for this shot. That's a big accomplishment for a 2 year old!

I think this one is my favorite shot of the night. Cody stayed so still and held such a great pose while we waved the glow sticks over his head. Awesome!

This one is me...

And here is Dallin

This is another favorite shot of the night. I loved the paint job Stacy did on Pierce. This shot reminds me of Avatar.

Here we all are...trying to all hold exactly still at the same time. Kind of hard...

Here is a shot with the flash on to show the rest of our costumes. It was a super fun Halloween party. I think we may need to do this again next year!