Well, I think I have finally recovered from having James out of town for a few days. Although it is 5 am right now and I'm trying to get Darcy to go back to sleep after her 4 am feeding. So I may be back on the downward spiral again. But oh well, that's just how it goes with a newborn. I decided I might as well do something productive while I'm awake with her. So I'm going to try to think of 7 interesting things to write about myself since Sandra "Tagged" me a few weeks ago.
1. My favorite thing to grow in the garden is Giant Pumpkins! There is something so satisfying for me in growing something huge. James thinks I'm weird for wanting to grow something that I don't eat. Maybe it's the challenge to see how big I can grow them, or maybe it's just the fun of having huge pumpkins to carve and decorate my front porch with. Either way, that is my favorite thing to grow. My biggest pumpkin so far weighted 128 pounds.

2. I think about photography all the time...and I really mean ALL THE TIME! I think my brain filters everything as if I were looking through the lens of a camera. I am always noticing what things would make for good photo backdrops or thinking of the next picture I want to take. And I am always looking at and enjoying the pictures I have of my family around my house. Photos are always on my brain!
3. One of my pet peeves is crooked pictures on the wall. There is nothing that ruins a nice wall display more for me than pictures that are hanging out of level. So I use sticky tack on everything I hang on the wall to keep it stuck where I want it.
4. I'm a bargain shopper. The better deal I get on something...the more I like it! This applies to presents I receive also. When I know the giver got a great deal it makes me enjoy it more.
5. I love building things! My favorite class in high school was woodshop! I love being able to turn ordinary planks of wood into something beautiful. My favorite part of the building process is the sanding and finishing part. It is so satisfying to sand the wood smooth and put on the finishing coats of stain and clear coat and really see the beauty of the wood come out. It works out nice that this is my favorite part, because it is James' least favorite part. So he builds stuff and I finish it...nice teamwork!
6. I am a "Less is More" kind of gal. I like to eliminate unnecessary things from my life to make room for the things I really love doing. So in keeping with my less is more philosophy I think I'll go ahead and post this even though I have only listed 6interesting things about myself.