After the exhibit we went out to dinner at our favorite Thai restaurant in SLC. The food was excellent. We took Darcy with us on the date because she's so little still. James tucked a little surprise on her lap under her blanket for me to find. But I didn't feel it under there so he pulled it out and gave it to me. It was a diamond anniversary band for my wedding ring. I was so surprised and happy. It was the one thing I really wanted for our 10th anniversary, but when we found out we were having Darcy I figured we couldn't afford a new baby and a ring in the same year. So I put it out of my mind. Well, James planned way ahead for this one and started saving spare cash and money he earned from helping people with their projects. So he was able to buy the ring and also hand over a big wad of cash. I absolutely love the ring. I also bought him a ring because the wedding ring I gave him when we were married slipped off his finger a couple of years ago when he was shoveling snow over at the church. Here are pictures of our two rings.

James also bought me a new watch and we have big plans for the rest of the money he saved up. We are going to put in a heater in our woodshop so we can have heat in the garage when we make projects. We may also buy a new camcorder since our old one has been working sporadically lately. It was a great anniversary. I love looking back over the years and seeing all the progress we have made. I couldn't have wished for a better husband or a better life. James is such a good man. He is a great Dad and he is so helpful to everyone. He is the perfect match for me. I'm so lucky!

I'm so glad you posted on your wonderful anniversary. I haven't noticed James' new ring- I'll make sure to look next time. I love LOVE your ring! It looks beautiful with your wedding band. Congrats on a great anniversary!
P.s. Thanks for coming over last night and keeping me company! I can't wait for Friday.
Trac! This is so cool. I checked out the website on Body World and it looked really neat. I am so glad I got to talk to you about your anniversary. Your Ring is Gorgeous! You and James are definitely a great match ... St. James... we have been missing both your company... not to mention James' handiness! Can't wait to hang out with you again in a few weeks!
yeah! I knew he was going to do that!! I am so glad the secret is finally out. i thought it was so funny when you put your ring back on after having darcy and it was all thought that was the whole surprise, little did you know.
love you, glad you had fun.
oooh la la! your ring and watch are gorgeous!
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