Dallin got baptized this weekend on December 5
th. It was a really special day for our family. James baptized and confirmed him. The spirit was strong and I knew that Heavenly Father was proud of him, just like I was. After the baptism we had a lunch party for all the family who came to the baptism. It was a really fun day for us. Here is
Dallin's 8 year old picture...isn't he so handsome!

Here is our family at the stake center where
Dallin was baptized. By the way, this is the same stake center I was baptized in. Small world.

And here are
Dallin and James before the baptism.

What a great day it was. Thanks to all of you who brought food to the party. It was really yummy. We missed those of you who couldn't come!
YAY Dallin! I'm glad I made it just in time... We are so proud of our D-man. And that food was amazing. I'll be needing that recipe for the queso dip. :)
What a good lookin boy! He looks so handsome, dapper-dan-man in his suit. Congrats Dallin! And...TRACY - GLASS BLOWING! Wahoo!! I remember you always saying you wanted to try that. That will be great!
Yes, he is quite handsome, what a big step in his life. You have a cute family.
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